COVID19 might have curtailed people’s ability to travel to Spain but it hasn’t diminished the desire for people to buy property there once the worst of the pandemic has passed.
Were it not for Coronavirus, A Place in the Sun would be rolling out its Autumn live shows across the country. If course, that is not possible at the moment. So, under the banner, “The show must go on-line,” Sun Lawyers is participating in the first A Place in the Sun Digitial Property Expo.
It’s a unique opportunity to connect purchasers with agents and service providers to keep the dialogue going and the interest alive in Spanish property. Developments continue to be built and properties are still being brought and sold.
The outlook is uncertain. Brexit has been consigned to the inside pages, but will be headline news again before the year is out. That’s why access to property experts, like Sun Lawyers who are in Spain is valuable to people who can’t get there.
One of the big attractions of the Digital Expo is booking an online consultation via Zoom anytime during September to speak to a Sun Lawyers expert. You can use the opportunity to ask any questions you wish about buying a Spanish property.