This is a guest blog post by Mathieu Edwards, Partner, Blevins Franks Javea. Both the Spanish state and autonomous community regional governments have been busy planning their budgets for 2023, which includes reviewing tax rates and allowances. There have been various statements over recent weeks, so here we summarise the key tax elements. While Andalucía hit the headlines first with the surprise announcement that it was effectively abolishing wealth tax in the region, this was quickly followed by the national…
Three Kings Day or the Feast of Epiphany is the final celebration with which the 12 days of Christmas ends on January 6. On the evening of January 5 each year, Spanish towns host impressive colourful parades to mark the Dia de los Reyes, or the Kings’ Day. This is a celebration of the arrival of the Three Wise Men in Bethlehem after Jesus’ birth. The “men,” Melchior (from Arabia), Caspar (from the Orient) and Balthazar (from Africa) process down a…