7 advice tips about completing a Spanish non lucrative visa application

Spanish non lucrative visa

Retirees wanting to live in Spain and not work are aware now that they will need a visa to stay more than 90 days at a time. The Spanish non lucrative visa is likely to be the one and we have some helpful hints to assist with your application.

  1. Use Sun Lawyers free Zoom meeting facility at the outset to check you eligibility for the Spanish non lucrative visa. This will determine immediately if you will fulfil the income criteria (proof of more than £2,500 for a married couple/civil partnership) and also your status.
  2. Check your eligibility for private healthcare cover before you start spending money on the visa application process, especially if you know that you have a pre-existing condition.
  3. Prepare a cover page that brings all of the financial elements together on one page for the consulate official. This helps them more easily to come to a decision and saves them time not having to sort through multiple statements and other paperwork.
  4. The medical certificate you obtain in the UK that states you are free from named diseases will require legalisation by apostile and sworn translation. Consider, if you are visiting Spain, obtaining  this certificate from a pharmacy-based clinic. The cost is €55-60 and avoids the need for translation.
  5. Three of the certificates (police check, medical and marriage) that are needed in the application will expire after three months, so don’t obtain them too far in advance of your consulate meeting.
  6. That said, currently the London consulate requires that you have the criminal record / police check (ACRO) in place before you can make an appointment.
  7. Consider using a Spanish broker for the healthcare cover as an English policy document will need a sworn translation.

Applications which are rejected at the consulate will have a negative impact for you both in time and money. The £516 per person consulate application fee is forfeited and you have to start all over again, from the back of the queue. As people are starting to find out, the paperwork can be onerous. Time can be saved and peace of mind gained using Sun Lawyers to assist and support your NLV application.

What is the cost of the whole visa process?

The consulate fee per visa is £516, we at Sun Lawyers charge €350 per person for our visa support service then the other costs relating to sworn translations, admin, legalisation, courier fees etc. total c£700. So our recommendation is to budget £1,500 per visa application per person.

Spanish non lucrative visa

Enquire about a Spanish non lucrative visa

Our relocation team is helping people obtain their visas today so they can get on with their new lives in Spain. And we can help you too. Start my contacting us and arranging the free Zoom call to asses your eligibility.

If you are in the position of spending over €500,000 on a buying a property in Spain, instead of the Spanish non lucrative visa the golden visa might be a more appropriate option for you. We also offer a support service for golden visas.

One you have your Spanish non lucrative visa

No longer than one month after after receiving your visa, you must travel to Spain. Once there you have a further month to make an appointment and visit the immigration office to exchange your Spanish non lucrative visa for a 12 month TIE residency card. Sun Lawyers can help with this appointment if you wish.

Further information on Spanish visas

We have created visa resources page on this site with latest information and videos to help you understand fully how to arrange long stays and residency in Spain

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