Spain’s Digital Nomad visa expected to launch in March
The much talked about Spanish Digital Nomad visa for international remote workers was scheduled for launch from January 2023. We hear from the ‘Movildad Internactional’ Department that the visa link is not yet live and that it will be ready in March. Once we have confirmation, we will contact everyone who has inquired about the visa.
The visa is part of a package of economic, tax and business reforms under the new Start Up Act. Spain’s Congress of Deputies approved the law with the Senate expected to ratify it before Christmas. What we know about the visa details are:
- The visa applicant must have been working for a company remotely for at least a year before the application.
- The visa will allow digital nomads to stay and work in Spain for an initial period of 12 months.
- After a year there is an option to renew for two years, opening a pathway to Spanish residency status after five years.
- Non-resident income tax will be set at 15% for at least the first four years of a nomad’s stay in Spain (usually 24%).
- The financial earnings threshold is proposed to be set at two times the Spanish minimum wage, €2,520 at the time of writing. The figure for a joint application is €3,465.
- Only 20% of earnings can come from Spanish companies
- Close relatives e.g. spouses and children can join an application
The finer details are still subject to possible alteration. But we are saying that if people are interested is knowing more about this visa once it becomes available, to register with us now and we can get in contact with you at the appropriate time.
Contact Mark McMillan in our visa and relocation team.