A number of clients who moved quickly to secure their non-lucrative visa for Spain are now coming up to their 12-month renewal. Here is the essential information that you need to know.
When to start the non-lucrative visa renewal process
You can start the renewal 60 days before the expiry of your 12-month TIE card. We recommend that you begin at the earliest opportunity. You will have up to 90 days after the TIE expiry date to submit the application. The renewal is for a two-year period. There will be another two-year renewal at the end of year three, enabling permanent residency after five years.
What do I need to do to renew?
Firstly, you must have spent more than six months in Spain during the time of the initial 12-month residence permit.
Renewals are done online in Spain via the Foreigners Office (Extranjeria). There is no need to return to the UK for a Consulate meeting.
Know that there should be no outstanding debts owed to the Spanish government e.g., taxes, traffic fines etc. before starting the application.
Check that your passport has at least 12 months validity ahead of your renewal application and two blank pages left (the maximum period of a passport is now only 10-years so any extra time accumulated over the 10-years will be excluded).
What do I need to submit?
- Complete passport
- Three recent photographs
- Current TIE card
- 3 months’ worth of Spanish bank statements (every page stamped). Same for UK bank statements if you draw down income from there. (Note: Sworn translations of UK statements may be required).
- Padron Certificate (no older than 3 months*).
- New marriage certificate (if applicable) apostilled and translated by an approved translator
Note: There is no requirement for the ACRO (police file) or medical certificate in the renewal process.
* We can help you obtain the Padron Certificate, the service is €100 pp.
Meeting the financial means test
The two-year permit renewal once again does not allow for earning a wage or salary in Spain and you will need to prove self-sufficiency by meeting the financial means tests. This is proof of a monthly income of €2,316.08 for a single applicant or €2,895.10 for a married couple. If there is a shortfall in the monthly income, this must be offset by savings and be enough to cover the funding gap for the whole two years.
If you are not at state retirement age yet, you will need private health insurance. We can refer you to a broker to source policies designed for residency applicants. If you are of state pension age or over, you will need your S1 certificate.
After your application has been submitted
You wait and once it has been approved, make an appointment at the Policia where you will have to submit another set of fingerprints and collect your new two-year TIE Card.
What are the costs?
€19.30 admin fee per person for the Immigration Office
€19.30 admin fee per person for the Policia
€96.80 translation fee for marriage certificate
The renewal process while not as onerous as the initial application, still requires some knowledge of the Spanish language and Spanish system. Sun Lawyers can take away all of this stress and worry by assisting your application for a fee of €300 per person.
What to do next?
We are here to provide the support and assistance to make the renewal process easy and hassle-free. To learn more, and without any initial cost or obligation, contact Mark McMillan at Sun Lawyers or call 965321193
This information is provided as guidance only and does not constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as such.